UWB IMD Student

This is a mobile game I created for BIMD 351: Studio Elements I and in this class, we were required to create an application prototype that functioned in a similar format as a Twine game. The inspiration to this project was from the IOS game called Lifeline that you are able to interact with the character in the story and help makes decisions that may change the outcome. I wanted to create an experience similar to Lifeline by having the player communicate to their fictional sibling to go to work for you and unravel the mystery of your employer's motivation with technology. I wanted to make a social commentary about how we accept technology in our daily lives and how physical computing can be used unethically and immorally.

I used the Twine application to create a storyboard to help keep me organized in writing my story. This was a very helpful tool in creating choose your own adventure game. I had experience making Twine games before in my other IMD courses, so I did not have any complications. However, I would’ve liked a feature where I could import my story into my Xcode and was able to use it like a normal mobile application as opposed to having to create many view controllers. The bottom picture showed a map of the different kinds of branches I created for players to interact with my game.

This was the first draft of my mobile application and it was comprised of only 20 slides. I moved the story from the Twine app into Xcode and designed the UI of what the user sees. During the first critique session we had in class, I received very helpful feedback and information about how well my game looked.

Here is the final product of my project. I think that if I could restart and do the project again, I think I could've focused more on the story aspect of the game. I wanted to make sure that my game is not too boring while also have a deep meaning to go along with a choose your adventure style of play. I just wished I was able to figure out how to import some fonts from online, to use throughout my story. Unfortunately, I din't have the time or knowledge to do it. This was my first prototype using Xcode and would like to be able to create more interactive games like this with more dynamic gameplay.